10 Fool-proof Tips to Reach Your Fitness Goals This Year

New year, new resolution, right? At least until February when those resolutions notoriously slip away. If 2018 is your year to achieve those fitness goals, and stick with them, I’m behind you. The key to sticking to a resolution? Routine and reason are the keys, and below are ten tips you can use to implement a routine within reason to ensure a more fit future you!

1. Think SMART

For those that may not know, SMART is an acronym used to help set achievable goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time-Bound. For example, the goal “to lose weight” is too vague and doesn’t set you up for success. A SMART goal would instead be, “I would like to lose ten pounds by July 1st by exercising for 60 minutes five days a week and following a diet plan.” The SMART goal allows you to track success and is more attainable.

2. Community is key

A fitness community is the ideal source of accountability. Sweating it out together and being able to relate to one another, is key to sticking to a routine. It also helps you to know you’re not alone throughout the fitness process. For those without gym memberships or those that can’t adjust their schedules around group class times, Studio SWEAT onDemand is a great solution. It’s an online fitness solution that allows you to watch and workout alongside real people at my studio in San Diego, CA. Our award-winning body sculpting classes include Spinning®, TRX®, HIIT, Yoga, Pilates and more, all lead by our powerhouse team of certified trainers and are available on demand, whenever and wherever you are. Plus, you’ll be able to chat with other “Komrades,” as we call them, so you’ll never be alone in the process.

3. Drink more water

I’m sure you’ve been hearing this your entire life, but really, water quantity is very important! Drinking enough water has been proven to promote weight loss time and time again, so if that’s your goal… drink up buttercup. I suggest you spend a week tracking how much liquid you drink, is it even close to the 2-3 liters you probably should be drinking? Chances are you should be drinking more water, and you’ll feel so much better once you do. The amount of water you need is individualized by many factors, there are plenty of great resources online to help calculate your optimal intake.

4. Drink less…other things

Soda, alcohol, juice, and flavored coffee drinks are huge sources of empty calories and laden with sugar. I encourage you to give up soda and your triple chocolate peppermint mocha entirely and have alcohol and juice in moderation. Pro tip: try adding sugar-free flavors to an Americano, to satisfy your sweet tooth but skip the calories.

5. Get more sleep

No, you’re not a superhero that can run on four hours of sleep every night, even if you’ve convinced yourself you can. I promise you that if you adhere to a strict routine where you get at least seven hours of sleep every night your body will love the consistency and respond accordingly. An added bonus you know I’m all about is that getting enough hours of sleep helps your muscles recover from the previous day’s workout. Woot woot! So, go to bed and wake up at the same time, even on weekends and enjoy the benefits that go along with it!

6. Every workout doesn’t have to be an hour – get in what you can

Listen, if you have an hour you can dedicate to your workout – go for it! The more time you put in, the more you’re gonna burn. How…ever, get in what you can! Eliminate the excuse of not having enough time. That’s just malarky. You have time for what you make time for, and are you telling me you can’t squeeze in a 20-minute sculpt workout or a 15-minute stretch? You’re not. I know you’re not because you can. And I’ve seen a lot of people watch their bodies transform by switching to a routine where they do six 30 minute workouts per week, rather than three 60 minute workouts. “Why?”, you ask. Well because they stuck to it! Refer back to tip #1 here – this relates to that. And no, it does not have to be a killer 20-minute high-intensity workout, just a goal to break a sweat and you’ll feel better all day long.

7. Mix it up

Not every workout is for everyone, find some workouts that you’re passionate about. If you don’t have one in mind, keep looking. I guarantee something is out there that’ll be your jam. Even if you get into the groove of Spinning® five days a week, try yoga or cross fit one day. Mix it up to carve it up! Not only is that good for the body, it’s also good for the mind.

8. Plan ahead

With a busy schedule, it can be hard to find time to workout. You need to take charge and make time for it in your life. The saying goes, ‘A Sunday Well Spent Brings a Week of Content.’ Try to leave at least a portion of your Sunday for meal prep and your workout routine planning.

9. Be mindful

Whether at night before you go to bed, or when you first wake up in the morning take a few minutes and think about your goals. Fitness goals, career goals, other personal goals. Reflect and think about how you can go about achieving those goals today.

10. Stay positive

Fitness results aren’t instantaneous. Stick it out, remain positive, keep pushing and remember that the cliche’ “Attitude is everything” is so…. true. I believe in you.

About Cat Kom
Cat Kom worked as a technology consultant and engineer for many years, using her Business & Technology Degree from the University of Washington, but realized it wasn’t something she was passionate about. She got her first certification in Spinning®, and from there opened a gym in Washington State. In 2009 she moved to San Diego, where she had no intention of starting another business. A couple of months without training others was enough for Cat to realize she missed it. At the end of February 2010, Studio SWEAT was born, a fitness studio in San Diego, CA. From there, Studio SWEAT onDemand began, an online community and at home-workout solution, with innovative classes and a live atmosphere.

Brett Lane

Brett has more than 20 years in the magazine business, starting with health & beauty articles and progressing into travel writing. She is passionate about sharing the many philanthropic organizations and their events in the greater Atlanta area.

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