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Seven years ago “A Family Affair” was started as an event to increase public awareness of Alzheimer’s disease and the Emory Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, one of eleven National Institute of Health recognized research centers in the country.
“A Family Affair” which was envisioned by Mary Rose Taylor a decade ago is scheduled for November 16th at the Cherokee Town Club in Buckhead. Pearlann Horowitz will chair the benefit for Emory’s research. Mary also told Allan Levey a decade ago that he needed a dedicated building called the Brain Health Center. Now it is a reality, and the Mary Rose Taylor Family Lobby is the entrance which friends of Mary’s orchestrated in her honor.
At this year’s “A Family Affair” Dr. Levey will be honored for his research on Alzheimer’s disease. “The growth in support for Alzheimer’s Research at Emory over the last eight years,” said Dr. Levey, “has been truly phenomenal. We are grateful for the hosts of A Family Affair for their many contributions toward increasing public awareness of the support Emory offers Alzheimer’s families across the Southeast.”