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The 28th annual Monroe Carell, Jr Children’s Hospital at
Vanderbilt Friends Fashion Show was chaired by Allison
Fowler, Mary Morgan Ketchel, and Carissa Pereira. The ladies
had a sell out crowd at the luncheon event held at the
beautiful Music City Center. The exciting day began at 10:30
when the Marketplace opened featuring several fashionable
vendors and was open again after the fashion show until 3:00.
TV personality Elisabeth Hasselbeck served as MC and did
a fantastic job keeping the audience entertained and the
children at ease as they walked the runway. The models were
children whose lives have been touched by the Children’s
Hospital. The clothing for the children and adults was provided
by Lilly Pulitzer, Gus Mayer, and Macy’s in conjunction with
The Mall at Green Hills and The Friend’s Shop that is located
inside the Children’s Hospital.
Long-time Friends supporter, Judy Simmons was honorary
chair and in her honor, a new patron level Judy’s Circle of
Friends was added. Libby Werthan was recognized as being
the first President of Friends of Children’s Hospital in 1972.
Libby and her husband Morris were the lead donors of the
days donation match opportunity and a special shout out was
sent to Marsha Blackburn from the stage as she was the first
to ever chair the Friends Fashion Show and was there to show
her continued support of the hospital and to show support for
her daughter Mary Morgan who was one of the event chairs.
Major sponsors included Delta and Zander Insurance Group.
It was a well-played investment. Ask any child or parent who
has benefited from Monroe Carell, Jr Children’s Hospital at